Thursday, September 29, 2011

Gorilla Experiment

I was really focused on counting the basketballs and I didn't realize when the gorilla passed the first time. Then, when I heard the question "did you see something unexpected?", and I watched the video one more time without counting the basketballs, I saw the gorilla. My reaction when I saw the gorilla was to ask myself why I didn't see it?, it's huge and obvious!

This experiment made me think about Singer's reading. Sometimes we don't see the obvious and big things we have right in front of us until someone open our eyes and show us the reality in a cruel or extremist way, as Singer's did. We get kind of blind being focused on specific things that we forget about the rest of the world, in the same way we forget that there are a lot of people outside waiting for our help, like those kids in Singer's reading. Probably this "blindness" we all suffer is an unconscious illness we don't want to discover, and consequently our mind prefers to live in denial.

The positive and interesting point is once I realized what was happening, I was more aware in the next experiment. Even though I knew what was the trick, I couldn't realize the changes in a couple of videos, which make me feel uncomfortable and I had the same reaction as in the gorilla experiment: "it was obvious, why I didn't see it?". However, It was fun and interesting to try to discover the tricks and then reveal them.